Poppycocky is like the love child of an unparalled quest for vintage treasures and a devotion to Indie style. In the vintage universe, nothing is mass-produced. Sometimes, we just need that vintage fix to amp up our closet while keeping our wallets happy. So we take it upon ourselves to source for precious vintage clothes, all over the world and beyond, and to bring them right to your screens.
Based in Singapore, we are made up of us twins, Debra and Denise. Debra is behind the camera, does most of the artistic direction of the site, and is the imaginative story weaver behind the item descriptions. Denise is in front of the camera and does everything else required to make this site run. For any queries about Poppycocky Vintage, or if you simply want to make friends, feel free to drop us an email at these addresses. Visit our blogs too, if you wish!
Debra: debra.teoh.2006@business.smu.edu.sg
Denise: denise.teoh.2006@accountancy.smu.edu.sg
Anyway, enough about us… Check out them clothes. Whooshink!